Tuesday 8 January 2013

Day One Hundred and Seventy Five

I almost lost my Red Ball.

I was in the garden after my walk, Zita threw my Red Ball. It went into a big pile of snow. I looked and looked. I finally found it. Zita helped. I was a bit snowy after. Oh well.

I helped moving the cars this morning. I was a big help. Zita always gets me to help move the cars.

Craig had to drive Niamh to school this morning. Zita drove Emmet to his university. Lots of moving cars.

We opened a new peanut butter today. I got some. That is good.

Craig and Emmet like peanut butter. They eat a lot of peanut butter sandwiches. I always get some. That is good.

I was tired and had a long nap this afternoon. Then Niamh came home and I had to chase her all around the house. She stole my blue bone. I caught her. She gave back my blue bone. That is good.

Then she had to go to dance. More toe dancing she said.  I am going to wait for Emmet to come home and chase him. Ha.

They put the other chair back where it was. The Christmas tree scared it away. I am glad it is back. It is a nice chair.

My living room is all the way back the way it is supposed to be. That makes me happy. It is known. I gave everybody kisses.

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