Tuesday 15 January 2013

Day One Hundred and Eighty Two.

A quiet day. No visitors at all. I played throw my Red Ball a lot. And I slept on my warm duvet when Zita studied.

Craig read his books. He has lots of books. The present man brought him some yesterday. Craig said they were late Christmas presents for him. Ha.

I went on my walk this morning. It was a good walk. I did not pull too much Zita said. That is good.

Today is Niamh dace a long time night. Toe dancing and then even more dancing after that. After is not toe dancing she said.

She is reading a book by Mr. Shakespeare. Craig has a spear. It is even older than he is he said.

Zita got it for him when they were young. A long long time ago. It is known.

Niamh's book is very long. She said it has twelve nights. That is a long time for a book.

I do not read books. No one teaches dog's to read. That is sad.

Craig has lots of big old books with pictures. You do not have to read them. Just turn the pages.

I did not chase Emmet tonight. I know he is sore where they put holes in his side.

Chasing me would not be fair. I would catch him because he is too sore. He should go to see Dr. Smith. He would make him better. It is known.

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