Sunday 25 September 2022

Day Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Four

I had another wobbly day today.

But sometimes I could walk and not fall over. 

But sometimes I just slip and fall down. 

And then I cannot get up. I do not know why.

Maybe I am old now. Oh dear. 

But I had my nice breakfast with Zita. 

And looked out my watching window for a while.

We could not go for any lovely walks again today because of my wobbly legs. Oh dear. 

That is not all right for me. 

Then Niamh was all awake and she came upstairs so I could help her study.

And eat her breakfast too.

Then the black car took Zita out to do some important errands.

So I minded my friend Niamh. 

When Craig was all awake he made us two toasts with lots and lots of the from France jam.

So I got two pieces. 

Then Niamh made my very messy beard all neat and tidy. 

So I would be beautiful. In case we had visitors. Ha.

And just like that after I had my lunch Miss Lily came to visit. 

To do her studying with Niamh. At the dining room table.

I kept them company. And had my after lunchtime nap.

Because I am a bit too tired all the time. I do not know why. Oh well. 

I went outside into my side yard for a little sleep. 

Then Niamh came too. Because I needed help to get standing up. That was nice.

Then I helped Niamh and Lily fix the all broken picture. 

She said I was a big help even when I was fast asleep. That is good. 

And then we were finished Niamh helped me to stand up. 

Because I was too wobbly again. 

Being wobbly is not very nice for me. 

But tonight we had a very special dinner.

Because tonight Niamh made our especially tasty dinner.

Miss Tarryn and Miss Lily came for dinner too. 

And to visit me too. 

I had lots of visitors today. Good for me. 

And we had own made soup. 

And it was full of Niamh’s own tortellinis. And lots of cheese too. 

So it was own made tortellinis soup. Oh my goodness me. 

Lots of times I get the extra tortellini. That is a good idea. 

Then Miss Sach came to visit me too. And have dessert too.

Then it was time to watch our detective program. 

So Craig and Zita and I went in the den.

But I fell fast asleep again. Oh well.

And when I was awake it was our bedtime. 

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