Tuesday 20 September 2022

Day Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Nine

I had a very quiet day today.

After our breakfast Zita and I went into our own office and I had a lovely nap.

And then Niamh was all awake too.

So she came into say good morning to me.

Before she went to her lovely store.

Craig had a little sleep in because he was listening to his very long book.

When he was all awake he made Zita her fluffy coffee and then he made toasts for Zita and me. 

With marmalade. Just like our old Queen’s friend Mister Paddington. Ha.

When it was lunchtime Zita had some important take the car errands to do.

So I had my lunch by myself. 

But I got some chicken on top.

When I was all finished Craig asked me if I wanted to go in the living room to look out my window.

But I was a bit too tired to do that. 

So I went back into our rascal ladies office and minded it while my friend Zita was gone. 

That is a good job for me. And easy too if you are a bit too tired. 

But after I had a very nice sleep I got Craig and we went in the living room to watch for Zita. Ha. 

That is a nice job. 

But Zita was gone for a very long time. 

So I had to tell Craig that she was still not here. Oh my goodness me.

She went to the too much of everything store. Oh goodness gracious me. 

When she got home the kitchen was all full of big bags. Oh well. 

Even a box of giant delicious for breakfast croissants. Ha. That is a good store. 

We had fat toastie cheesies tonight. With delicious ham too.

And I got some before our detective program.

We watched the from Scotland detective. 

But at the very end he decided to retire. Just like Craig. 

Then it was our bedtime again. 

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