Wednesday 24 February 2021

Day Three Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Eight 

We had a busy day. Even me too. 

And it was not even our go to work day. Oh dear me.

Zita was up early to see her nice doctor. 

And just as she got home Miss Sash’s Jeep was here to take her to her work. 

And then Craig was awake too. And it was not even late. Ha.

But Craig did not make our toasts today. Zita made the toasts and Craig made the too much coffees.

So they were all ready at the same time. Ha. 

So Craig and Zita and I had our together breakfast. Right in front of the watching window.

Then Kathy called. Right from inside the quiet as can be car. They talked for a long time. 

Because Kathy was driving back from seeing her mother in far away. 

Then Zita went to Mister IKEA’s store. To get some brand new knives and forks. 

Because lots of ours are a bit all lost. And very very old too. Oh dear me.

And she got a big box of the very tasty cinnamon buns. Ha.

They are Emmet’s favourite. But he is not here. So Craig and I will eat them for him. 

And when Zita came home she brought Niamh with her. 

But Niamh had a bit of nasty headache.

Because the weather outside just changed all of a sudden.

And then is was all snowing and cold again.

When that happens lots of times my friend Niamh gets a nasty headache. Oh dear me.

Today is baby Dylan’s sing happy birthday day. 

It is her very first one. 

And it her mother’s birthday too. The same day. Just like Emmet and Niamh. That is silly. 

We went to her birthday party. Right in the den. On Zita’s computer. 

Because of the do not get sick rules. 

Miss Ashley even sent us a very very little birthday cake. But it was only a little bit on fire. 

Because baby Dylan is not very old. 

And we could see everybody from all over everywhere. Even in way far away Switzerland. Ha.

But nobody wanted to hear me help sing the happy birthday song. That is not so very nice. 

So Craig and I went into the living room so we could sing the song all by ourselves. Ha. Too bad for them.

Craig and I are very good together singers. It is known. 

We sang for a long time. Ha. 

Then Craig and I had a little bit of a cinnamon bun instead of the on fire cake. Ha. Good for us.

Today Craig found a picture of way way way old from way far away dogs. 

And they looked just like me. Ha. 

And they had real names too. Ha. 

Very fierce names like, Catch the Enemy and Biter of His Foes and The Loud Barker. Ha. Those are good names. 

Because they had to be very very fierce dogs a long long time ago. 

Because there were dangerous lions all over everywhere. 

Maybe even on the sidewalks. Oh dear me. 

We did not go for our before dinnertime walk tonight.

Because of the too much brand new snow. Oh dear. 

We are too tired of the too much snow. 

We had a very little dinner tonight. Because of Niamh’s headache. 

When you have a headache you do not want to eat lots and lots of of even tasty food. It is known. 

Maybe we will go to bed early tonight.

Because Craig has to have a squeaky clean shower. Ha. Too bad for him. 

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