Saturday 20 February 2021

Day Three Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Four

We went to bed early last night.

Because we were up too early yesterday. Oh dear. 

So we had a very nice long sleep. All of us. Me too.

So we did not have a sleep in this morning.

Because it is our very busy Saturday morning.

Craig had his old friends breakfast coffees on his new flat computer. In the den. 

He had another turned over apple for his breakfast. So I had to help him.

And then I said good morning to all our old friends too.

I stayed with Craig right in the den. So I could mind him quietly. 

You have to be a very quiet dog when people are meeting on their computers. It is the rule. Oh dear.

And today is our make the house spic and span Saturday. Oh well.

We even made our oven as clean as could be. 

But making it clean as could be was very smelly.

So we had to open the windows in the kitchen. 

So we would not get as sick as could be and wake up dead. 

So I stayed in the den with Craig. 

Far away from the noisy clean the floors machine. And the smelly oven. Ha. 

Niamh and Miss Tarryn were busy too. 

After watching a long university class on the fast computer they made pretend pancakes.

Not real pancakes. Just made from bread pancakes. Those are from France pancakes. 

In France they think that these are toasts. 

But they are wrong. They are not tasty toasts. 

And they are not delicious pancakes. They are just pretend pancakes. Oh dear me. 

Then Zita took everybody downtown so Niamh could go to her beautiful clothes store.

Then she went to the a store to find brand new pants for Craig’s mother.

So she will have beautiful clothes too. That is a good idea. 

When Zita came home the smelly oven was nearly clean. That was good. 

But I stayed in the living room. 

So I could look out my watching window. And have a little nap too. 

Zita opened all the windows.

Because of the still very smelly oven. Oh dear me.

But I had a nice nap anyway. 

Zita and I did not go for our before dinnertime walk until nearly our dinnertime.

Because there were way too many people outside. 

And some of them were too close to everybody.

But not us. We waited until they were all gone far away. 

Then we went for our walk. All dressed up. I had my purple boots on today. Ha.

When we came home we made our favourite own made lasagna.

Lasagna has lots and lots of cheeses. Ha. That is a delicious dinner.

So Miss Tarryn came to our house so she could have some and not starve to death. That is good.

But then Niamh and Miss Tarryn were late.

So they took lots of lasagnas and went to Miss Sash’s house. 

To watch sad movies. 

I do not know why they want to watch sad movies. 

They should just watch happy movies.

Movies where everybody has happy dogs. Ha. Those are good movies. 

Then I only had to mind Craig and Zita.

That is always an easy job. Ha. 

Because they are old too. 

Last night we watched detectives from Wales. 

But they did not even have one dragon. Too bad for them.

They should only have police dragons instead of police cars. Ha. That would be a good idea. 

They would be very fast. And they could just eat up nasty people for their dinner. Ha. That is a good idea.

Emmet can tell them this, if the old university in Wales wants to hear even more of his interesting stories. 

My friend Tre’r Ceiri is from Wales and he is a very fierce dragon. Ha. 

He lives in the den. On top of some of Craig’s interesting books. So he can mind them. Ha. 

He used to have a giant castle in way far away Wales. But is was a long long very long time ago.

And now it is all fallen down and does not even have a front door any more.  Oh dear me. 

I would not like to live there. 

Maybe that is why he lives here with all of us.

Because we have a lovely front door. 

With a right beside it window.

So I can see who is coming to my house. Ha. That is a good door.

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