Tuesday 26 May 2020

Day Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Three 

We had Craig’s sing happy birthday party last night. Ha.

With an all on fire cake that Niamh made. Ha.

And we sang the happy birthday song. That is my favourite song.

And I am a beautiful singer. Niamh told me. Ha. 

I did not even forget Craig’s happy birthday present. I did not know that. Ha. 

I got him a little machine to keep his face neat and tidy. Ha. I am glad I did not forget.

Zita made him peanut candy. All by herself.

And Emmet and Niamh got him the very tasty special jam. Right from Mister Saint Albert’s store. 

That was a good sing happy birthday party. 

We only went for a little walk this morning.

Because it is a way too hot day today. 

So we put brand new water in the outside bathtub for our birds. 

So they can have a keep you cool bath. Ha. 

We put the giant little castle on a table in the living room. 

So Craig can fill it up with little soldiers. Ha. 

And we found even more boxes of very little soldiers in the basement. Ha. 

Niamh and Lee went for a lovely walk. Even in the too hot. Oh well. 

Emmet is still very busy reading his very very old stories. 

But sometimes he thinks they are wrong. And silly. Ha.

Zita had to get some special stuff at our nice hardware store.

Because there was a giant bug with kabillions on legs in Niamh’s bedroom. Oh dear me. That is not nice.

So I minded Craig and he read some of his new story to me. 

Now he is a not so very famous knight. 

And he has a fierce horse and a fierce dog. But they are not such good listeners. Oh dear.

After lunchtime Zita put the make the house cool machine on. 

So I had my nice nap on the nice cool kitchen floor. That is a nice floor.

But then the machine just stopped. Oh dear. 

So Zita had to telephone a man to come to our house to fix it. Oh dear. 

This afternoon Craig found his knock down castle walls machine. Ha. 

That is his favourite. Emmet’s too. 

I think we will have an altogether dinner tonight. That is good. 

It was too hot for a before dinner walk today. 

I did not mind. I do not like being a too hot dog. 

Maybe we will just have ice cream for our dinner tonight. Maybe. 

Or maybe just happy birthday cake. Ha. 

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