Monday 25 May 2020

Day Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Two

It is my friend Craig’s sing happy birthday day. Oh dear me.

I nearly just almost forgot it.

But Zita remembered it for me. Oh dear.

We did not get get way too early this morning. That is good.

And we did not go for our good morning walk.

Because it is a wet rainy day. And we did not want to be all soggy.

Craig only had a very little sleep in. Oh dear.

You should have nice long cosy bed sleep ins for you birthday day. 

So Craig and I had bananas bread for our together breakfast. 

Before Craig was all awake Zita and Niamh brought up lots and lots of boxes from the basement.

Full up with little knights and everything to make giant castles. 

And a table right in the living room for the castle. Ha. Castles are Craig’s favourite. Mine too. Ha.

So Craig and Emmet and Niamh made a giant little castle. Right on the dining room table. Ha.

With lots of fierce knights. On horses too. And a  fierce dragon too. Ha. 

I could not help because I was very busy being Zita’s helper assistant. 

Because we were very busy with the rascal ladies work. 

So Emmet and Niamh helped him.

Just like when they were little. Before I was their very best friend. Ha.

And we had little roll ups from way far away China for our lunch. 

Then I had a lovely nap. 

Emmet found a nice place to live in way far away Cork. In a house. With some of his friends.

But he does not know when the university will be all open again. Oh dear. 

Until Zita was all finished her work and we went for our slow little walk. Ha.

We are going to have own made pizzas for our dinner tonight. Ha.

Pizzas are my favourite. 

I think we will have an all on fire cake too. Ha. And sing the Happy Birthday song. 

That is my favourite song. 

Because I can sing it too. With everybody. Ha. Good for us. 

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