Saturday 2 May 2020

Day Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Nine

It was a very beautiful sunny as could be day today. 

So Zita and I went for a very long walk. And we far away talked to lots of people. Ha.

All our beautiful trees have little leafs. 

And we have lots of lovely nearly flowers all over my front yard.

Then we came back home. 

Craig had a little sleep in so we had a late together breakfast. Craig and Zita and I.

With toasts and tasty jam too. Ha.

Last night Niamh made the best dinner ever. 

Very big chips with cheese and chicken and onions all over everywhere. Ha. 

And some for Emmet with just all over cheese. Ha. That is a good dinner.

I got some cheesie chips too. 

After our breakfast the nice man brought us big boxes of brand new food. Just for us. Ha.

So now somethings are in the big red keep it cold box. In my side yard. 

And the rest is hiding in the silver little car. 

Then Craig and Zita went for an adventure walk. 

And Craig was in his go even faster chair today. Ha. 

I stayed here to mind my friend Emmet. So I got a peanut butter treat.

Craig and Zita were gone a long time. 

Because it is a very beautiful day outside today. 

And they talked with Professor Alec and Miss Francis for another long time.

When they came home I took Zita for her before dinner walk with me. Ha. That was a good walk.

I saw my friend Niamh sitting on the grass at Lee and Cara’s house. Miss Tarryn was there too. 

Miss Tarryn lives in a house with a bunch of other people. But she has her own window.

So she can sit right outside. On the roof. Ha.

I saw the picture. 

That is silly. Maybe she will just fall off. Oh dear. Oh dear. 

Maybe we will have another altogether dinner tonight. They are my favourites.

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