Sunday 6 October 2019

Day Two Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Nine

It was sleep in Sunday today but we did not have a nice sleep in.

Because Zita is still in way far away and I am in charge. 

So I had to get up to mind everything. All by myself.

Then Craig got all wide awake too. To help me. Ha.

So we had our together toasts. And looked out the watching window. 

It is not so nice outside today. Lots of sometimes rain. 

There were lots of people going to the not very far away church. With umbrellas. 

I do not like umbrellas so much. 

We did not play catch the ball this morning because of the rain. That is good. 

I do not like the rain so very much. It is not very nice being all soggy as can be. 

So I had a nice nap and Craig and I listened to nice very quiet music instead.

Then Miss Georgi came upstairs so she could go to her parent’s house. And have her breakfast.

Miss Georgi slept on the other comfy bed last night.

Because when she and Niamh got home it was way late. 

And then they talked so much I went back to my comfy bed. 

So then Miss Georgi had to sleep here. 

This morning Craig was very busy reading Niamh and Emmet’s stories. So the are beautiful. 

That is his best job. 

When I looked out my watching window I saw the beautiful leafs falling onto the ground. Oh dear. 

I like it when the trees are all filled up. 

Because you do not get too cold feet when the trees are all full up. Oh well. 

Then Craig told me that my friend Zita is in way far away Dublin again. Right in her parent’s house. 

For dinner. With her mother and father and cousin Robert. 

Yesterday she had a lovely lunch with her from far away family. And our cousins Ciara, Emma and Lucy too. 

Maybe they will have the very delicious Irish sausages for their dinnertime. Maybe.

And they always have very tasty desserts too. With lots and lots of cream. Ha.

At lunchtime Niamh went on the smelly bus to the beautiful clothes store. 

She is working until late tonight. So we will not have our dinner altogether. Too bad for us.

Craig and I had our lunchtime late this afternoon then I had a long nap on the living room rug.

Right in front of my watching window. But the outside was all empty this afternoon. 

Because it is not such a beautiful day today. 

So it was a very quiet day for Craig and me. That is good. I was a bit tired.

Because I was very busy yesterday and I did not have a very long fast asleep last night. 

Because I am in charge. Ha.

Craig made his dinnertime all by himself. Ha.  And we had extra toasts too.

And Zita talked to us on Craig’s telephone. She was in the bed way upstairs in her old house.

And she was looking at some of Emmet’s stories too. Ha.  On our old flat computer. 

Right there in way far away Dublin. Ha. 

With her cosy slippers on too. Ha.

Craig is going to watch another football game tonight. 

They do not even have a nice round ball. That is a silly game.

So I will have another nap. Ha.

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