Sunday 20 October 2019

Day Two Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Three

Only my friend Niamh had a nice sleep in today. And today is sleep in Sunday. Oh well.

Zita and I had a very nice walk in the lots and lots of sunshine. 

But it was a little bit cold. There was even ice on the cars. Oh dear.

Then Mister Charles and his helper Mister Daniel came.

With lots of stuff. In their giant truck. 

And some very noisy machines too. 

So Zita went to her stretching until you are tired store. 

Craig had I had Emmet’s very favourite very sticky cinnamon buns. For our breakfast.

And my friend Emmet is not even here. Oh dear me.

But we had one anyway. Oh well. He would not mind. 

Mister Charles used his very loud machine to fix the crack underneath Emmet’s window.

Then When he was in the very deep hole and glued fat things to the wall.

So I went to the kitchen and had a quiet nap on my very comfy rug. 

And Craig went into the den where it was not so noisy there.

Tomorrow is the day that everybody goes to the vote for the rascals store.

But some way silly people do not even go to the store. That is silly.

My family always goes to the vote for the rascals store. 

It is our rule. Ha. That is a good rule.

I would go but not even very nice dogs like me can vote for rascals. That is not right.

Dogs know who would be a good rascal right away. 

People are not so good at finding a good rascal. I do not know why. Oh dear. Too bad for them. 

Yesterday Zita painted a tall shelf for her make some beautiful clothes room. 

So the room is nearly all finished. Now there is only one comfy chair. 

Not just too many chairs anymore. 

Now the other very comfy ones are downstairs. 

And the not so comfy chairs went away. Ha. 

One side of the room is so Zita can make lots of beautiful clothes.

And the other side is all full up with Craig’s old music machines. Ha. 

Niamh had to go out this morning. 

Because the going fast on a board store wanted to take her picture. 

To show everybody their lovely clothes. I do not know why. Oh well.

Zita made the side yard all neat and tidy this afternoon. 

She used the giant cut everything scissors to make our trees beautiful. 

But then she used the scary blow everything everywhere machine. I had to stay inside. 

I do not like that machine so much.

Then Craig and Zita went for another exercise walk. To practice pushing the go fast chair. 

Because it is a beautiful day outside today. All day. Ha. 

Soon Craig will have an even faster chair. So he has to be as strong as can be. Or he will not be so fast. Ha. 

When they came home they brought tasty sausages. For our dinner.

Then Zita and I went for a little walk. A not too far walk.

Because my leg is a little sore today. Oh well.

We are going to watch another of the magic school movies tonight.

Because Niamh is here with us tonight.

But tomorrow Zita has to go back to work. 

Because her vacation is all over. Too bad for us. 

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