Saturday 5 October 2019

Day Two Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Eight

I was up very early this morning.

So I could take Niamh and Miss Tarryn and Miss Georgi on our good morning to everybody walk. Ha,

We had a very nice long walk. 

Because it is a beautiful full of sunshine day all over. Ha.

We saw my friends the ducks too. Ha. That is a good walk.

But everybody else was still all fast asleep. 

Because it was very early in the morning. Ha. 

Miss Tarryn and Miss Georgi slept here last night.

Because of the special giant football game party. 

Then lots of other ladies came to my house to have their own breakfast. 

And play way too loud music. 

They even moved the dining room table. Oh dear. 

Craig hid in the den. And we had oatmeal cookies for our breakfast. Ha. 

And then all the ladies left. Altogether. To go up to the busy street.

Because that is where they have the very loud football game party. Oh dear.

But there were too many people walking on my street. And sitting on my lawn. Oh dear. 

And there was lots and lots of cars. Just getting lost.

And police cars too. Because sometimes people do not listen so well. Oh dear.

But my friend Niamh always listens. 

Craig was reading some of Emmet’s new very little stories this morning. 

Emmet is writing lots and lots of stories.

Because he has a brand new comfy writing stories chair. Ha. 

Zita and auntie Eileen found it for Emmet. Right in a store in Cork. Ha. 

And a new big screen for his take it everywhere computer. 

So the words are not so very small anymore. Ha. That is a good idea.

So Emmet is very busy at his new far away nearly a castle university. Ha.

He took Zita and auntie Eileen right inside. So they could see all the interesting things too.

But it is not so very warm inside. Oh well. 

Or outside either.

Oh well. 

Zita is at auntie Eileen’s house today. That is where her little dog lives. 

And cousin Ciara and cousin Lucy too. Ha. Altogether. 

With lots and lots of go fast bicycles. That is good.

But cousin Emma was at her university. Beside the dangerous ocean in Galway. Oh well.

Maybe she will come back to her house for a tasty own made dinner. Maybe.

After lunchtime professor Jill came to visit me again and we went for a lovely long walk.

Because there was nobody on the streets. They were all at the special football game. Ha. 

Then all the ladies came back to our house. 

And we had lots and lots of delicious cheese and crunchy crackers. I was a big help.

But our nice university did not win today. Oh well.

Craig even made his own made dinner tonight. Ha. 

Then he watched the football game.

Because Zita is still in way far away Ireland we could not watch any detectives tonight. 

Just hockey games. Or football games. Oh well. Too bad for me.

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