Friday 29 July 2016

Day One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Six

I am going to go to the new not so far away make me beautiful store next week. 

Zita told me. Good for me.

Zita and I went for a nice walk. Then we had even three toasts. With Craig. 

Then Zita went to the way too small office. After toasts. For important meetings. 

Craig and I played catch the ball. After Zita went to work. Then I had a nice nap.  It is not a way too hot day today. That is good.

When it is not too hot I can have nice naps in my side yard. So I can keep the squirrels away. From my hedge.

They can not see if I am all fast asleep. Ha. Too bad for them. 

This afternoon my friend Emmet went for a very long walk. Because is is a beautiful day outside. 

He went to catch even more monsters. Ha. 

Zita had to go to the nasty food hospital. To visit our friend Mister Aidan. She is going to give him a secret present. 

Because he is all finished his school. Just like my friend Niamh. Ha. Good for him. 

He is going to have an operation tomorrow. To fix the little just inside of him hole. Oh dear. 

Zita had to talk to our friend Kathy. A lot. All about the operations. 

Zita and Craig know all about them. Because of my friend Emmet. Oh dear. 

Operations are not so nice. I did not like my operation at all. I did not feel even like me. When I was all fast awake. At all. Oh dear. 

Mister Aidan has to sleep there. Not even in his own bed. 

He has to sleep in the not so comfy hospital beds. Oh dear. 

And he can not have his own pillows. Oh dear. 

I did not have to stay all night in my little hospital. That is good. 

Niamh went to visit Mister Aidan after dinnertime. At the nasty food hospital. That is nice. 

A man is going to come to my house tonight. To fix the stove. Because the handle just broke. Oh dear. 

If you do not have a stove you can only have peanut butter sandwiches. For your dinner. You can not have nice hot tasty food. Oh dear. 

I did not bark at him at all. Good for me. He fixed the stove all up. That is good. 

My friend Niamh is going to a cottage tomorrow. On a beautiful big lake. Not so far away. With all the other teachers. From our big centre building.

Even my friend ZoĆ© is going too. Ha. That is good. 

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