Sunday 3 July 2016

Day One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty

I had a very quiet day. That is good.

Last night Craig and Zita and I went for a long walk. We saw my friends the ducks. 

They were all fast asleep. Again.

Then we went to where all the brand new stores are. We had to cross the very busy street. 

Craig and Zita had their too many coffees outside. And we watched all the people. Ha. That was nice. 

Then we came home. Because Craig had to have his squeaky clean bath. 

This morning we went for a nice walk with my friend Jamie and professor Jill. Early.

My friends the ducks were still all fast asleep. Under the very big trees. Ducks like to be all fast asleep. 

Then Zita had to go to the tasty food store and get lots of tasty food. 

So Everybody will not just have to eat peanut butter sandwiches. 

I had to stay with Craig. To keep him company. On the big comfy bed. 

He had to watch the noisy little go very fast cars. Oh well.

Then we played catch the ball. Not so many times. Too bad for me.

When Zita came home we had brand new tasty croissants and just all ready from the farmer strawberries for our lunch. That was nice. And more too much coffees.

I got green beans and cheesie treats on my tasty breakfast. Ha. Good for me.

Emmet is very busy. He has to find all the right classes for all next year. Even next summer. 

So he can go to his next nice university. And learn even more interesting stories. Ha. That is good. I like those interesting stories. 

Maybe he will have more stories about all the punics. And the very fierce elephants. Ha. Those are good stories. 

After lunch Emmet went to buy books for his new class at his nice university. 

But the bookstore was all closed. That is silly. 

Bookstores should be open all the times. Just like Mister Kettleman's tasty bagel store. It is known.

Then Craig and Zita and Niamh had to talk about how to go away to Niamh's far away university. Oh dear. 

Niamh does not like help so much. Oh well. Too bad for her. 

I am a big help. Ha. Good for me. 

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