Saturday 31 October 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Four

I had two walks again today. In the morning. Ha. Good for me.

We took Craig to his old friends breakfast. So he would not get all lost. When you get old you get all lost. 

Craig and Zita went shopping. After lunch. I had to guard Emmet and Niamh. 

Niamh was still all fast asleep. Because she did not get home until way way late last night. 

She was at another party. With Miss Rowan. Again.

Niamh and Cara and Lee came to my house. To make very scary pumpkins. And play way loud music. 

It is hard to have a nice nap when there is lots of way loud music. It is known.

They are all going out tonight to get free candy. Ha. And scary people will come to my house for free candy. That is silly. 

Niamh is going to another scary party. On Mister Aidan's street. 

Miss Rachel's mother came to our house with presents. Wooly socks for Miss Rachel in way far away Ireland. And a way beautiful party dress. 

Zita will take them with her to Ireland so Miss Rachel can go to nice parties. And have warm feet too. 

It is not so warm in way far way Ireland. It is just all soggy. The big bright sun can not find its way to way far way Ireland. Too bad for them.

Rachel's mother brought special way fat sticky scones for Craig. They are not for Poppy. Too bad for me. 

She is from far away Ireland too. From where nobody lives. At all. Just all wet rocks. Oh well.

I can not bark at all the scary people tonight. Because they are just little. And big barking will scare them. Oh dear. 

I am a big help when the scary people come to my house. Zita told me. It is true. 

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