Friday 23 October 2015

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Six

I had a quiet day today. I like quiet days. You can have nice naps on quiet days. 

This morning Niamh and Miss Julia went to their dance a lot school in the giant car. Again. 

You can not drive the giant car in the winter. It is way too slidey. It would slide all into the snow. And never get out. And be all lost forever. Too bad for it. 

Zita and I went for a way fast walk. So we can eat our tasty food and not get too chubby. Ha.

Then Craig and I played catch the ball. After our toasts. Ha.

Today is Emmet's all day at his nice university. Zita drove him. He will buy his tea from Mister Horton's lots of donuts store. Maybe a donut too. For his lunch. 

Niamh was up way late last night. Even when I was all fast asleep. Writing stories for her dance a lot school. 

There was a skunk outside my house last night. Skunks are way smelly. I could not go out to chase it all away. Craig would not let me. Too bad for him.

Niamh is going to not so far away Kingston. After dance a lot. She is going to visit the very big castle. The one with lots and lots of canons. On top of the hill. 

She is going with Cara and Lee. For a special scary castle night. That is way silly. They should go to the nice Pigs restaurant for way tasty dinner. Not a scary castle. It is known. 

She is going to sleep there. In Kingston. She will be scared. Because I am not there. I am here. Ha. Too bad for her.

Craig watched hockey last night.  His team only nearly won. Oh well.

Craig and I had used pizza for our nice lunch. Mister Tony's tasty pizza. Good for us.

The way noisy keep the streets clean machine went up and down my street today. A lot. 

I barked and barked and barked at it. It did not go away. It is not scared of me. Oh dear. That is not right. 

We will watch television tonight. After our dinner. Maybe Emmet too. 

Sometimes Emmet likes to go all fast asleep when he is at his nice university all day.

Zita went to the make her beautiful store this afternoon. Good for us. 

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