Wednesday 28 October 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and One

I stayed up very late last night. To help my friend Niamh with her brand new stories. I was awake nearly all the time. Good for me.

Miss Julia came way early this morning. To take Niamh to her dance a lot practice. Niamh was still nearly all fast asleep. In the car. Ha.

Then Zita and I went for a nice walk. 

All the diggers are all gone. We can have nice walks on our own streets again. That is good. 

The men made a new sidewalk. Right beside our pond. I do not like it. We do not walk on it. Too bad for them. Ha.

We only played catch the ball a little today. After our toasts. 

We have lots and lots of way windy rain today. 

You can not play catch the ball in the windy rain. Or you will be all soggy. 

Craig said the too much wind will fly him all away. Like a balloon. Oh dear. 

That is not true. I would hold onto him. He would stay right here. In our nice side yard. I am very strong.  Zita says so. When I am a too much pulling dog. 

Emmet went to the brand new too expensive food store. On the busy street. 

To get their way tasty very very long bread. And some delicious cookies. 

He was all soggy when he got home. Not the cookies. Or the tasty bread. Just him. That is good.

Craig made sure Emmet's very new long story was all beautiful. And Zita too. That is good. 

Then he was a Viking again. Not a new Viking. The same nice Viking from his other books. 

He is not so very young anymore. He has a very fierce dog. To help him. And his famous sword. Ha. Those are good books. 

Some people want my friend Niamh to make up a brand new dance. Just for them. That is good. 

Niamh likes making brand new dances. Jump all around dances. With way loud music. Not toe dances. It is known.

We are having a way warm tasty dinner tonight. Because of the way windy rain. And the cold. 

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