Friday 16 October 2015

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Nine

I had a very busy day.

The nasty cough has still caught Niamh. She had to go to the nice doctor and then to the hospital. So they could take inside pictures of her. Oh dear.

She can not go to the party tonight. Her doctor said so. Oh dear. She has to use special in a funny bottle medicine.  Too bad for her. 

It is Emmet's all day at his nice university day. And Craig has to go downtown so they can make pictures of his fingers. It is the rule.

He told me it was silly rule. Oh well. 

I will not tell our nice Queen. Or she might chop his head all off. Oh dear. Our nice queen does not come to visit our house. Because she lives in way far away England. In castles. Ha. 

We just have a nice house. Not a castle. We do not have any scary ghosts. Just a scary basement 

I am guarding the house. Even the scary basement. A lot. 

Zita took my keep the flys out floppy door downstairs. That is what we do. Before the way too cold comes. 

All our newspapers are nearly all gone. I did not bark at anyone. I got cheese treats. For not barking. Ha. Good for me. I like cheese. A lot.

Everybody has their keep you all cosy coats upstairs. Not in the basement anymore. 

Craig has lots of coats. Even leather ones.  One with no arms at all. That is silly. It will not keep you all cosy warm. 

We have a new duvet on the big comfy bed. It is way old. It is not my duvet. Some ladies made it for Craig way long ago. 

I have to be careful with it. Because it is way old. Like Craig. I have to be careful with Craig too. Ha. Too bad for him.

Craig's friend from far away is coming to our house tomorrow. For a tasty breakfast. 

She makes lots of movies. And the way scary Vikings stories. The ones we watch on the television. 

She promised not bring any Vikings with her. Craig told me. That is good. Way dangerous Vikings are not nice company for tasty breakfasts. It is known. 

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