Tuesday 27 October 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred

Zita and I went for a nice walk this morning. It is a all day cold day. 

The green grass was all white and hard. Beside the other pond. Winter is coming. Ha. 

We saw my friends the ducks. They were waiting in just the little bit of water in the pond. Before their vacation. To their no snow ponds. 

Zita was busy today. Reading Emmet's story. And talking to the rascal ladies. 

A man came to make the keep the house all comfy warm machine all spic and span. That is good.

Last night every thing went all dark in my house. And all the houses on my street. All over. And the busy street too. 

Emmet went out for a little walk to the busy street. Just in case Niamh got all lost in the dark. 

That is what big brothers do. He did not take his Viking axe with him. Or his canon Craig made for him. Or even me. Oh well. The all dark is scary. It is known.

There were no fierce wolves hiding in the bushes. That is good. The scary wolves wait until all the snow comes. So they can hide. It is known. 

Then the lights all came on. Just all of a sudden. I do not know why. Oh well. 

Zita had to go to the too small office today. To get her important work all over. Before she goes to way far away Ireland. On an aeroplane. 

Niamh was up way late last night. Because she had a remember everything exam today. I do not like exams so much. 

She has to finish her way big brand new story tonight. Maybe I will stay up to help her. 

Maybe there will be cheesy treats. Because sometimes people have to stay up way late to write a lot. Then they alway have tasty treats. Ha. Good for me. 

Craig and I had a peanut butter sandwich for our lunch. We did not have any tasty jam. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

I had a nice nap this afternoon. Then I had another nap. Because sometimes nice naps make you all tired. 

Niamh is teaching at her dance a lot place tonight. Before she has to write a lot. For her nice school. Oh dear. 

I will be a big help. It is my job. It is known.

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