Tuesday 13 October 2015

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Six

We had a way happy dinner last night. For my sing happy birthday day. There were lots and lots of friends here. Niamh and Emmet's friends. 

They all came for the tasty thank you for everything dinner. So they would not all starve. 

Everybody laughed all the time. Until way late.

We had special lemonade. In cans. From way far away Italy. Emmet had lots. To help him talk his way old Latin. I think. 

When everybody was laughing I had a nice nap. Sing happy birthday days make you way tired. It is known.

Today is a too soggy day. With too much wind. Zita and I did go for our nice walk this morning. We did not want to be all soggy.

Last night Craig and Zita sang my happy birthday song. It made me very waggly tail happy. 

Zita is very busy with all the rascal ladies again. Because of the election. And Emmet is a way old Roman all day today. Because of his remember everything exam tomorrow. 

Niamh will be at dance a lot until late tonight. I will wait up. Until she is all in her comfy big bed.

My friend Mister Aidan is still in the other hospital. Maybe he will get out today. 

Yesterday his very old cat had to go to Heaven. 

Cats can go to Heaven too. Oh well. Maybe they are all nice in Heaven. You can only go to Heaven if you are nice nearly all the time. It is the rule. 

Mister Aidan was very sad. It is not nice to be sad and be in the hospital full of nasty holes. It is known.

I can not go in to help him be happy again. Because of the rules about nice dogs who can not visit their friends in hospitals. 

Even I could not visit my friend Emmet. When he was in the nasty food hospital. And he is my family. Oh dear. They are silly rules. 

People have lots of rules. Dogs do not have so many rules. We are just happy to be nice dogs. It is known.

Craig has to go way downtown. So they can make pictures of his fingers. He says they have too many new rules. Oh well. 

People like rules. It is known. Silly people. 

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