Wednesday 7 October 2015

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Eighty

We had a very busy night.

My friend Mister Aidan had to go to the hospital. The doctors had to make a hole in him. With a big tube into to his insides. Just the same holes as Emmet. Oh dear. 

His mother and father are not here. They are in way far away Italy. Eating tasty pastas. And visiting Mister Pope's house. Oh dear.

Zita went to the hospital last night. Until late. Because she knows everything all about making nasty holes in you. Because of Emmet. 

Zita is poor Aidan's Godmother. Not his real mother. Godmothers stop you from making big forever mistakes. It is their job. Ha. 

Dogs do not need Godmothers. We have Mister Saint Newton. Ha. Good for us. 

Craig took Niamh and Miss Julia to the way too early dance a lot practice today. In the silver little car. 

Zita took Emmet to his nice university in the Mahoney's little fat truck. 

Mister Aidan's sister has our gold big car. She can not drive the little fat truck. She hits too many things. Oh dear. That is not good.

Zita went to see Mister Aidan this morning to make sure the nasty hole is alright. He was all the time fast asleep. Oh dear.

Craig and I played catch the ball. That is good. Then we had Scotsman's scones for our lunch. And a little bit of used pizza. And my peanut butter treats. Ha. 

After our lunch Craig got Niamh from dance a lot school to visit Mister Aidan at the other hospital. To make sure he is still all ok. 

Niamh and Mister Aidan have been friends even when they were babies. That is why Niamh can yell at him. And he does not mind. That is what old friends do. It is known.

Emmet stayed late at his nice university. So he could speak even more old Latin. To his professor. 

That is what you do in university. And read big interesting books. And sit in the comfy chairs in the library where they keep all the interesting books. And the donuts. Ha.

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