Saturday 6 October 2012

Day Eight-One

I don't like Saturdays. Craig always goes off to his breakfast with his friends. They are all old too.  I have to wait for so long for him to come home and throw my Red Ball. It is not good. Today he brought home green beans from Mr. Nicastros. That is good. I like green beans,

I have learned to be a mountain goat.

Niamh and the twins were making pumpkin pies for the party dinners tomorrow. They went into the den and I climbed on them and got all of my feet on the top of the sofa. On top of the sofa is the best way to look out that window.  I can see all the way down the pond from that window. And my garden.

Niamh looked a me and said I was a mountain goat. Better than a duck.

Uncle Bill came over for cookies and then fixed Zita`s dryer which had exploded. Did not wake Emmet. Emmet likes to sleep.

When Emmet got up I was asleep on the kitchen floor. He gave me cheese. He went off to the ice tea store.

Niamh is toe dancing again on her new shoes. I hope she does not fall off her shoes. They are very pointy.

Mountain goats live out side and don't have their own duvets Emmet said. I will keep being a mountain goat secret.

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