Thursday 10 February 2022

Day Three Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Six

We had a very busy day today.

Zita was going to go to her downtown office but things were too busy here. 

Our outside pipe broke and some water got in the window. In the basement. 

Because it is not even freezing outside today. That is silly. 

So Zita had to fix our outside pipe. 

But when she came in the side yard there was a dead as could be bird. 

It was all dead because I caught it stealing our berries. 

But I got in trouble anyway. Too bad for me. 

And then Zita had to make the side yard neat and tidy again. 

Without an all dead bird. 

And I had to stay in the house. 

And last night Craig and Zita had to take the bandage off his foot.

Because the not so good nurse put it on wrong. Oh my goodness me.

I knew he was a not such a very good nurse. 

That is why I just stayed beside Craig when he was here. 

Then Zita put a brand new bandage on the right way. Ha. 

And his foot was not way too sore anymore. Ha.

Then everybody went to fast asleep. 

And this morning when Craig was all awake he made Zita a very very fluffy coffee. 

Because she had a way too busy moving.

Then I went in the living room to stay beside my friend Craig. To mind him. 

I cannot get in trouble when I am just minding Craig. It is known. 

I got peanut butter and cheesie bits on my lunch. It was very delicious. 

Just like Craig’s peanut butter and cheese sandwich. Ha. 

Then I had my after lunchtime nap. 

Now we have to decide which nice tile will be as beautiful as can be in our basement bedroom. 

Because Zita says they will be there forever. Oh my. 

I did not say anything so I could not be wrong. Ha. That was a good idea. 

When my afternoon nap was over Zita went to do more important errands.

And I stayed here to look out my watching window with Craig.

When Zita came back she had another not broken pipe. And it worked as good as could be. Ha.

But she had to go out again. 

Because we decided what beautiful tiles we are going to get and she went to the store.

So nobody could get them before us. 

And when she came home we had lots of boxes of the most beautiful tiles. Just for our bathroom. 

When Niamh came home from university Tarryn was with her. 

Because they have the very same class today. Ha.

I helped Zita with our very tasty dinnertime. 

We had chicken all wrapped up in very skinny bread. With lots of vegetables too. 

It was a make it yourself dinner.

Maybe it was a Mister IKEA’s dinner. Maybe.

Our very fast skating lady won another prize. 

And a man went down a hill so fast they gave him a prize too. 

And he only had one ski. And he did not fall over and crash.  Good for us. 

Last night we watched the last of the lady detective in Dublin program. 

But we did not see any of our own cousins. Anywhere. Oh well. 

So Craig will have to find a brand new detective program for us to watch together. 

Maybe it will be one of Mister Tom’s programs. 

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