Friday 4 February 2022

Day Three Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty

We did not go for a good morning walk this morning.

Because last night when everybody was fast asleep there was more too much snow.

So Zita and I just had our together breakfast and then it was time to be very busy with our rascal ladies work.

When Niamh was all awake she went to Miss Tarryn’s apartment so she could study for her university classes.

Tonight she is going out to dinner with Mister Tristan and his friends. 

At a nice restaurant. Not just a too many chip restaurant. Oh my goodness me. 

I do not know these people. I think she should take me with her. To be her very best minder. 

I am alway a very polite party dog. 

Zita said I was the very best party dog in the whole world. That is true. 

But I do not think there is lots of room in Mister Tristan’s little car. Too bad for them.

When Craig was all awake we had a sticky bun breakfast.

And then Zita came in to ask him a question.

So when they were finished talking he had his next too much coffee we had round toasts too. With jams. 

So I had two together breakfasts with my friend Craig. That was a tasty surprise.

Them my break time was over so I went back to my rascal ladies job. 

At lunchtime I went into my side yard so I could mind Zita when she moved the too much snow.

Then we came in so we could get all warm again. 

And so Zita could make her Irish tea. 

Craig kept me company until I was all dry again. 

Then we remembered that it was my lunchtime.

So Craig looked in the refrigerator and he found some smelly cheese.

The very very tasty smelly cheese from way far away France. 

And he put some on top of my lunch. Ha. That was a very tasty lunch.

Then it was time for my after lunchtime nap. Right on my comfy kitchen rug. 

Then Zita came in and woke me up.

Because she was all finished her rascal ladies work and it was time for our before dinner walk. 

But I did not want to get all my boots and my coat on today. 

So we decided that if I did not want to go I did not have to go.

Because I am old enough to make up my own mind. Ha. 

When you get old like Craig and me you do not have to do just because things anymore. It is our rule. 

So we talked to my friend Emmet in his little very far away very little apartment. We talked for a long time.

Right on our own dinning room table. 

But only Craig and Zita and me will be here for our together dinner tonight.

Because Niamh is going to a nice table cloths restaurant and Emmet will still be in way far away Cork. 

We had our own made tasty stew. It was the takes a very long time to cook stew. 

But it makes the kitchen a very delicious smelling place to have my nap. 

After dinnertime we watched the nice detective from far away Germany.

So I had my detective time nap. I have my very own pillow in the den. That is good.

Then we went to bed. I have another pillow in our big bedroom. 

Pillows are my favourite. 

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