Sunday 1 August 2021

Day Three Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Three

We only had a very little sleep in today. 

And we did not go for our good morning walk and Zita did not go to visit the nice farmers up on the busy street.

Because it was an all the time raining day this morning. Too bad for us.

Niamh was going to go to a nice cottage.

But she changed her mind.

Because it is not so nice at cottages when it is an all the time rainy day. Oh dear.

Craig did not even have a sleep in either.

Because he had to be all awake to watch the little fast cars race all around.

But it was raining there too.

So everybody just ran into everybody and just crashed everywhere. Oh dear. Too bad for them.

And then Emmet was all awake too.

So he could talk to Miss Alice in way far away Ireland.

He has to get up very early because the time in Ireland is still wrong. I do not know why. Oh dear me.

I think everybody in Ireland should get brand new clocks. 

He did not get home until late last night.

Because he was playing his dragons game with his friends. 

And they were altogether for the first time in a long long time. Ha.

So they had own made treats for a dragons game party. 

After lunchtime Zita and Niamh sat in the living room looking at lots and lots of beautiful clothes right on the computer. 

So I stayed there to mind them. And keep their feet toasty warm.

Because it is not a nice warm day outside today.

It is a good day for lots of tea and tasty biscuits. Ha. 

Zita took Niamh to Miss Tarryn’s apartment so they could eat chips and watch a movie.

And bring back all of Miss Tarryn’s stuff that she always leaves here when she rides her bicycle. Ha. 

But when Zita was back home it was not raining at all.

 So we went for our before dinner walk. But not so far.

Because maybe the rain was just hiding. Ha. 

Today Cousin Simon and little RĂ­an went to Zita’s Nana’s house and fixed their stove. That is good.

Now they will not just have to eat biscuits or cornflakes for their dinner tonight. Ha. 

Before dinnertime Craig and Zita went for a very little adventure walk. 

To see Mister Lyndon’s brand new bicycle house. Right in his backyard. 

So they stayed and talked to Mister Lyndon and Miss Bruna for a long time. So I minded my friend Emmet. 

He was having a nice relax. 

Because it was a relaxing Sunday. 

We had a very nice altogether dinner tonight. With Miss Tarryn too.

So we had delicious sausages. From not even very far away farmers. 

Sausages are my favourite too. 

Then we watched the new detective program.

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