Wednesday 10 June 2015

Day One Thousand and Seventy One

We had a nice walk this morning. I thought I saw my friend Zoe. It was another lady. Oh well.

We did not have lots of toasts today. When we got home. 

Craig had Scotsman's porridge instead. Because of the pills from his nice doctor.  Too bad for me. 

I would not like to eat Scotsman's porridge. It is not so crunchy as toasts. Oh well. 

The music machine told us to be careful. They said this afternoon will be full of way windy rain. Oh dear. I do not like windy rain. At all. 

I will just watch it. From the watching window. On the comfy new rug. In my cosy house. Ha.

I guarded Zita all morning. She had to write lots and lots to all the want to be rascals ladies. 

Niamh did not go to school until late. Because she cannot go to the nice beautiful flower store any more. Because her practice work is all over. Too bad for her. 

The beautiful flower store gave her a way big prize. Because she is so nice. Just like me. Niamh is not so fury. 

She has a remember everything exam today. Oh dear. 

I was a too much barking dog today. I got into trouble. Just a little bit of trouble. Good for me. 

Craig and I played catch the ball a lot today. I missed the silly ball. Two times. Oh well. 

Craig went to his cosy bed way early. Because he is still caught by the nasty flu. I keep him company. 

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