Thursday 18 June 2015

Day One Thousand and Eighty

We went to bed early last night. We were all too worried tired. 

Last night Emmet came upstairs for a little time. We watched the television. In the den. 

I did not jump on him. Good for me. I had a nice nap on the floor. In front of my friend Emmet. So I could guard him. It is my job. It is known.

We watched a story all about way way way old people. They made way big circles. Right in the farmer's nice green fields. Oh dear. 

They made them so they could have beautiful dances. With all the way old Gods. And parties. Maybe cheese parties. And look at all of the beautiful stars. That is nice. 

The way old people put giant stones in the ground. All round. So people could find them. Even at night. We saw them. On the big television. 

Some were even in way way far away Scotland. Even houses made all of stones. Where it is always way windy cold. Right beside the ocean. 

That is why Scotsmen eat so much hot porridge. To keep all toasty warm in the windy cold. 

Tomorrow Emmet is going back to the nasty food hospital. So his nice doctors can see if the nasty hose has fixed Emmet all up.

I will talk to Mister Saint Newton tonight. So will my friend Jamie. Jamie is a nice dog too. 

Niamh took me for a nice long walk. Before lunch time. We went way past the two ponds. Under the big bridge. Beside the very long canal. To where all the brand new stores are. 

There are lots and lots of water fountains there. I tried all of them. They all worked just right. Good for me.

Craig and I played catch the ball today. Just a bit. I was very tired today.  I had to get up to help Zita a lot. All last night. To bring Emmet his make you not so sore medicine. 

Zita and I had some nice little naps today. Good for us. Then we went for a short nice walk. Before my dinner. Tha was nice. Good for us.

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