Saturday 18 October 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Three

Last night Zita was not here. She is not way so very far away. At a comfy hotel. With all her lady friends. I was in charge. Ha.

Niamh's dance a lot friends came to our house last night. There were lots and lots of them. They filled up my kitchen. And ate all the cookies. Then they went to the dance a lot movie. I had to take care of all of them. Because they were in my house.

Craig and Emmet went out to have their dinner. So they would not starve to death. To a too many chips restaurant. Ha.

I stayed home to guard the house. I was very tired. It is way hard taking care of all the dance a lot friends. 

I slept up on the big bed last night. Because I am in charge.

This morning Niamh and I went for our morning walk. 

Before we went I had to work very very hard to get Niamh out of bed. I jumped up on to the way high bed and pulled all the covers off. Ha. 

Then I had to talk and talk to her. Or she would still be all fast asleep. Ha. She is nearly as slow as Craig. Oh dear. 

We had a nice walk. There were kabillions of squirrels. All over. I payed no attention to them at all. I got treats when I got home. Squirrels do not get treats. Ha. Good for me. 

Niamh had to go to dance a lot all day. To practice. And practice. 

Craig is going to talk to Mister Tony tonight. To bring tasty pizzas to our house. That is good. 

Emmet is way busy. Studying for his remember everything exams. All about far away Africa. A long long long time ago. Before my friends the Punics. And their elephants. There is a lot to remember Emmet says. Oh dear. He made a lot of Irish tea. That is what you do in his nice university. 

Craig's football team lost. Again. Oh well. 

Zita is still away. I am still in charge. Ha. 

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