Monday 8 September 2014

Day Seven Hundred and Ninety Three

We had a very busy day.  

Zita had to go and feed my friends Jamie and Zorro. So they would not starve to death. Professor Jill is their family. She had to go on a very little trip. To see a friend. Who cannot leave his house. Jamie does not know him. Oh well.

Zita is going to go again tonight. To make sure Jamie and Zorro are all happy. And have their own comfy pillows. And their dinner. And that they share. Ha.

We saw my friends the ducks today.

Zita went to her nearly brand new job today. Craig drove her. It is way downtown. With no nice parks like our house. Not even a pond. Just big buildings. And cars. Oh dear.

Emmet has to go to his university tonight. For his class all about dangerous people. And Uncle Joe. And his friend Mister Collins. We have books about them. Ha.

Uncle Bill sent me pictures on the flat computer. Of lots of dogs barking. In way far away France. 

Maybe the are the very nice policeman's dogs. That is nice. 

They are very loud dogs. I did not understand them. I do not speak French anymore. Only Bouvier dogs from way long long ago spoke French. Or if they live there. Not me. I live here. With my own family. Good for me.

Craig can speak French. Niamh says he does not speak it very well. Oh well. Craig told her he can order croissants in all the French restaurants in the world. Ha. I love croissants. With nice jam. In the morning. 

Niamh is teaching dance a lot until late tonight. 

There will only be Zita and Craig and me for dinner. Oh dear. 

I like it most when everyone is at home having dinner and I get to sleep between the kitchen and the dinning room. Then I know where everybody is. That is right. 

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