Thursday 4 September 2014

Day Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine

I was a hero last night. I got treats. Ha.

I was asleep on my comfy bed in Zita and Craig's room. I heard yelling and crying from my friend Niamh's room. Nasty dangerous people in Niamh's room. That is not all right. Oh dear. 

I jumped up and ran way way fast into her room. I jumped up on the high bed to find the nasty people. I stood between Niamh and the noise as fierce as can be. With a way scary growl. Ha.

It was only her little computer making the scary noises. Oh dear. 

Zita and Niamh said I was the bravest dog in the world. I got treats. I did not feel silly. You never feel silly if you get treats. It is known.

This morning Zita told Craig all about it. After our walk. When we were having our toasts. Zita told Craig  that last night I was another dog. As fierce and scary as could be. She said I had a brave heart. Craig said he was not surprised. He said I was the best guard dog ever. I heard them. It is true. 

We played throw the ball a lot today. Even after I got in trouble when I was digging up the stones.

Emmet started his university today. He got up early. To have a nice bath. So he would not be all smelly for university. He walked to his nice university.  All by himself. 

He is going to learn all about the war nobody wanted again. With different story tellers this year. And stories all about long long ago Africa. That is where Uncle Bill visited all the lions and elephants. 

And another all about scary dangerous people. Emmet said he hopes his great grandfather and his great Uncle Joe will be in his new story books. They were way dangerous people. Craig has a book. They are in it. With pictures. They lived in way far away. Not here.

Niamh is very tired. It takes a long time to remember how to dance a lot everyday. She has dance a lot tonight again. She does not come home until late. Maybe Zita will ask me to get in the gold big car to get her. Because I am the best guarding dog in the world. I heard Craig say so. It is true. Ha.

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