Monday 15 September 2014

Day Eight Hundred

Niamh had to go to the dentist today. Early. Zita drove her. 

We had toasts first. With jam.  That is good.

Craig and I played throw the ball. I like to catch the ball. I do not always like to bring it back. Craig understands. He goes back in the house to make the kitchen all spic and tidy. That is good.

When Niamh came home she could not smile. Oh dear. Craig and Zita did not laugh. That is good.

Zita was working for her nearly new job. At our house. That is good. I was a big help. I sleep right at the door. So nobody can get in and scare her. Because I am there. Ha. 

Craig and Niamh watched a movie. On the movie machine. It is the movie Niamh has to watch for her dance a lot school. 

I did not watch it. It was way long. With people with guns. Sometimes in Italy. Where the nice Mister Pope lives. He was not in the movie. 

It is going to be a rainy night. We went for our before dinner walk way before dinner. So we would not be soggy. I do not like being a soggy dog. Sometimes I have to stay in the kitchen. 

Emmet has his dangerous people class tonight. He likes it a lot. Even though it is at night. After our nice dinner. The man who teaches tells very good stories. That is good. I like good stories. 

Everybody tells way good stories at our dinners. Every night. Not me. I just listen. I am a good listener. That is way I know what is going on in my house. 

Niamh cannot eat dinner with us tonight. Because she has to teach her dance a lot class. I do not like that. It is better when everybody is here. Where I can watch them. And listen. It is known. 

I did not jump at the window today. There were squirrels. Good for me. 

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