Friday 19 September 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Four

I had a way exciting day. We found a raccoon in my little behind the houses street. It ran away. Up into a tree. That is good. Raccoons are scary. It was not a giant raccoon. That is good. Zita and I were surprised. We did not run away. Ha.

It is a nice sunny day. It is a good dog day. Not way too hot. Not soggy. I had a nice nap in my side yard. That is good.

Zita took lots of our newspapers to to all the nice stores stores on our busy street. In the gold big car. I did not go. I stayed here to guard the big piles of newspaper for the other nice people to take away. And to guard Craig.

Zita drove Emmet to his nice university. To hear stories all about how to know all about people from long long ago. And to get his donuts and tea for his lunch.

Craig was all busy with a brand new little box for the computers. And another different box for the den. It can remember television stories. It took a long time. Oh well. We had a nice sandwich for lunch. 

We played catch the ball anyway. After our lunch. Ha. 

Niamh had to leave her dance a lot school early. So she could go with her dance friends to the football game. Maybe they will win. It is not Craig's team. That is good. Ha.

Craig and Emmet stayed up way late. To watch all the Scotsmen. The Scotsmen voted not to be just Scotsmen. I think that Craig can still have his porridge. And his oatmeal cookies. Good for him. 

All the Scotsmen want to stay friends with all the other people in way far away. They will share. But not everything. Sharing is good. Craig shares his toasts. Zita does not share her toasts. Oh well. Emmet shares his cheeses with me. That is good. 

I had a long long before dinner walk. All over. No raccoons. Or lions. That is good. Just me and Zita. And my friends the nice ducks. 

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