Saturday 6 September 2014

Day Seven Hundred and Ninety One

It was a very scary night. Last night. Lots and lots of way way loud thunder and way bright lightening.

I did not look out the watching window. I stayed with Craig in the cosy den. He watched his football team again.They lost.

Very big trees fell down. Not on my street. People did not have any lights in their house. People need lights. Dogs do not. Too bad for them. Ha.

Some streets had way too much rain and their cars all drowned. Oh dear. Not our cars. That is good.

Thunder is very scary. It does not care if you are a nice big fierce dog like me. It still makes way too much noise. That is why I stayed in the cosy den with Craig. Thunder does not scare him.Too bad for the thunder. Ha.

I did not want to go for a long walk this morning. In case the thunder came back.

Niamh stayed up late last night. At a party. Zita had to go get her because it was late. And maybe fierce lions were hiding in the bushes.

She to get up early to go to dance a lot. She was still asleep. Zita had to drive her. Ha.

Niamh had more toe dancing this afternoon. She will be way tired. Too bad for her.

Emmet had to walk to the funny little book store. It is near Mister Nicastro's smelly cheese store. They sell only books nobody will read. Except Emmet and his friends at the university.

I like cheese. It is my favourite. And green beans. And toasts with jam.

No way loud thunder today. That is good. It is known.

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