Sunday 22 December 2013

Day Five Hundred and Twenty Three

We had more too much snow. When Zita opened my door the snow was as high as me. Oh dear. 

Zita was not way happy.

Niamh and Zita and I had to push all the snow away again. I was a big help. 

I ate some berries from one of my beautiful plants. 

I had to go in the house. Just in case I had a sick tummy. The berries are not for dogs to eat. Oh well. Zita said if I had a sick tummy we would have to see Dr. Smith. I am ok. That is good.

Niamh and Cara and Emily are making special Italian Christmas cookies all day. The cookies are not for dogs either. Oh well.

Zita went out in the way too much snow to get all the food for the Christmas cheese party. I could not go. I was sad. 

What if there were wolves hiding behind the big piles of way too much snow. And I was not there to be very fierce and brave. Oh dear. 

It is hard being a dog in this house. 

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