Friday 6 December 2013

Day Five a Hundred and Seven

Zita did not sell me for lamb chops. That is good. 

She told me everyone loves me lots and lots. Even when I bark way too much. I was very sad. Now we are all happy.  That is good.

I had a good day. Not like yesterday. Oh well.

When Craig took Emmet and Niamh to their schools I had a nice walk with Zita. I was a perfect dog. That is good.

Zita had to bring all the newspapers to all the nice stores on my busy big street. The stores where nice dogs get treats. Zita does not tell them about my barking. That is good. I like treats.

I stayed here to guard Craig and make sure all the people took the right piles of papers. There are lots and lots of piles of papers. People get confused. On paper days it is hard to play throw the green ball. It gets lost in the piles of newspapers. Oh well.

Craig had to take the little car to the fix your car store. He had to get do not get stuck in the snow tires on. 

Zita's gold big car got those tires put on a long time ago. Craig is very slow some times. Like when he has to drink all his coffee before he can throw my green ball. Oh well.

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