Sunday 7 April 2013

Day Two Hundred and Sixty Four

It is a rainy day. I do not like rainy days. No one wants to throw my Red Ball when it is rainy. I get too wet and am a soggy dog.

We always have bacon for breakfast on Sundays. I like to smell the bacon. I do not eat any. Oh well. Bacon will make my tummy sick. I get carrot treats.

Everybody is doing their school work. Except Craig who reading and is a viking again.

I have my naps on the floor between all the bedrooms and the den. Then I can see everybody. Except Emmet.

I can hear Emmet downstairs. Sundays he writes stories on his computer with his friends from way far away. I can hear him laugh.

Niamh is off at her toe dancing day.

Craig and Emmet are going to watch their scary show about wolves and dragons tonight.

I will go to the bedroom and help Zita with her university work. There are no wolves or dragons at the university. It is known

Emmet wishes there were. Silly Emmet. Dragons are way too big to go to university. It is known

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