Monday 30 November 2020

Day Three Thousand and Fifty One

Zita got up very early this morning. So I got up with her. 

To keep her company and to have my own breakfast too. 

But then she and the go fast car had to go downtown to the other rascal ladies office. 

Before it got too crowded. Oh dear.

So I minded Craig. But he did not have a nice sleep in today either. Oh well.

So we got up and had a very delicious Mister IKEA’s cinnamon bun for our breakfast. 

Craig had some too much coffees too.

Today is Mister Saint Andrew’s day. It is for all the Scottish people. 

So they can remember they are Scotsmen and Scotsladies too. 

But Craig did not have to play any bagpipe music. Or eat anything nasty. That is good.

Because Craig is only a pretend Scotsman. 

Because here was not even born there. 

Only his grandfather and grandmother born were. That was a very long time ago.

But our friend Mister George had some old Scotsman’s drink for his breakfast. He sent us a picture.

Maybe they do not have any too much coffees on his big farm. 

Maybe the farm is too far away from any tasty grocery stores. Oh dear me.

But he has two very happy dogs, Mister Finley and Mister Rupert on his farm to mind everybody 

And Miss Suze too. Ha. Lucky for them.

When we were all finished our cinnamon bun Niamh was all awake too. 

Because she had to go to the busy street and visit our nice dentist. Oh dear.

It is not even such a nice day outside today. It was just an all the time nasty windy rain day. All daylong. 

So I had a very nice nap. Right on my comfy kitchen rug until Zita was back home. That was a good idea.

Mister Aidan and his fast car found Niamh on the busy street. Ha. 

So when she got home she was not even a bit soggy. 

And Mister Aidan went and got her a giant coffee from the too much money for coffee store.

Because they were friends even when they were just little babies. Ha. 

Last night we talked to Mister Aidan’s mother and father. Right in our den on Zita’s computer.

But they were still at their beautiful cottage. Because of the do not get sick rules.

But their very big truck was all worn out. 

So they got a brand new plug it into your wall car. Ha.

And it does not even make any noise at all. Ha. That is a good idea car.

Craig’s very old very fast car was so loud Zita could hear it even when he was far away. Oh dear.

This afternoon Niamh has to talk to everybody in her class all about her new story. 

Right on her computer. Ha. 

Just like when Emmet tells everybody about his chopping off heads story. 

But Niamh’s story is not so scary. That is good. 

It was a no barking at all time. That is a very hard time for me. Oh dear. 

But I did not bark even one time. Good for me.

Craig and I had a toasty warm croissant for our lunchtime. 

It from the nice farmers. 

It was not from a big store. That is good. 

We did not go out to play catch the ball even one time.

Because of all the nasty windy rain. Oh well. 

So we are going to have a very warm comfy dinner tonight. 

You always have to have comfy warm dinnertimes when it only nasty weather outside. It is our own rule. Ha. 

We found another all broken into very little pieces picture. Right on the dining room table. 

So we are going to have to put it all back together again. Oh dear. 

But I cannot be such a big help. 

Because the pieces are very small and I am not so small. Too bad for me.

I think we will watch the messy detective again tonight. 

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