Saturday 1 August 2020

Day Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty

Everybody had a very quiet day today. Me too.

I did not even want to go for a good morning walk. So I had a nice nap instead.

Then Mister Paul came to my house so he and Craig could go to our beautiful park for their coffees.

With all their very old friends too. Ha. 

Zita drove Niamh to her beautiful clothes store. 

Because it is too hot for a fast bicycle ride. And Zita does not want Niamh to go on the smelly bus.

Because not everybody knows all the do not get sick rules. Oh dear me.

I stayed here and minded my friend Emmet. He was still fast asleep. Ha.

When Craig got home Zita was making our house as clean as can be. 

And when Craig was not as hot as can be he took away all the lots dust. With his fluffy brush.

I do not know where the dust comes from. Maybe in the mail. Maybe. Oh well. Too bad for him.

When Zita was using the noisy clean the floors machine I went outside. It is only a bit too hot today. 

It is not so very noisy when I am outside and the machine is inside. Ha.

Zita put some of our beautiful flowers back right in front of our window. 

That was a good idea. 

After lunchtime I played catch the ball game with my friend Craig. And we played it two times.

Because it is a beautiful day outside today. All day. Ha, that is a good day.

The silver little car would not start this morning. 

Because it’s battery was just all dead. So Craig and Zita put a machine on it. 

And after a while the battery will be all alive again. 

But that machine only works with batteries. It does not work on people. 

That is because batteries cannot go right away to heaven. 

So you can make them alive again. But not people. Oh well.

Because people are not here anymore. They are already gone all the way to way way far away Heaven.

I think you can go vary fast when you are all dead. Oh well. Too bad for us. 

The black go fast car took Zita downtown to find Niamh. Before she melted. Ha. 

I went into the big bedroom for a nice nap.

Because Zita just put brand new sheets on the bed. New sheets are my favourite.

Because they smell the best. Ha. Good for me.

When Niamh came back here she did not come in our house when she got home. 

She went to Lee and Cara’s house instead.

Because she is minding Mister Disney. So he will not get too scared when he is all by himself. 

Now we cannot have our altogether dinner tonight. Oh well.

When the black car was back Zita and I went for a not so short before dinnertime walk. 

Because I was too tired this morning to go for our good morning walk. Oh well. 

Maybe we will watch the gets in trouble all the time detective again tonight. Ha. 

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