Monday 24 August 2020

Day Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Three

I did not have a very nice night last night.

There was a very loud thunderstorm at my house. For a very long time. 

So I stayed in the bathroom. Zita and Niamh came in there too. To keep me company.

Because there are no windows in the bathroom.

So the thunder could not see us. Ha.

It is good to have friends with you when you are a little bit scared. 

Then the thunder went away. 

But it came back. That was not so nice. Oh dear.

A man brought very tasty milkshakes to our house. Even in the scary thunder.

And Craig shared his with me. When I was a bit scared. Ha. Good for us.

There should not be any thunderstorms where there are nice dogs. 

They should only have thunderstorms in the oceans. 

Because the giant whales are not scared of thunderstorms. Not even a bit. Ha. It is known. 

But because of the way too loud thunder we did not have a lovely long fast asleep last night.

So Zita had a sleep in. 

But it was by mistake sleep in. Oh dear me.

So she did not have time for her run all around all over everywhere. 

And we did not even have time for our good morning walk. Oh dear me. Too bad for us.

So when Craig was all awake her made Zita her fluffy coffee right away. 

For her say hello to everybody meeting.

Then Craig and I had the very little banana muffins. They are very small. 

So we had to have three. Ha.

Then Niamh and Emmet were all awake too. 

So I had to help them with their breakfasts. 

Because they were not so very wide awake.

I was so busy I almost forgot it was time to be Zita’s very best helper. Oh dear.

So I went into our office right away.

I was very busy today. 

Craig and I had the very last Scotsman’s scone for our lunchtime. 

Craig put the especially delicious jam on top. 

And he made them all toasty warm too. Ha. That is a good lunchtime.

Zita went to visit Craig’s mother. Inside her little apartment. 

This afternoon Niamh and Miss Tarryn made own made ice cream. 

So they could make a special cake. A cake made of only very delicious ice cream. Ha. 

Maybe I will have some too. 

Because I was their kitchen helper. Then I went back to our office to be Zita’s helper.

Craig did not need my help today. 

Except for our breakfast and our lunch. And the special treat. Ha.

Because we did not have a nice walk this morning we had a very nice before dinner walk.

When we got home we helped Niamh and Miss Tarryn make our very tasty dinner.

We always have very tasty dinners. 

Sometimes we have lots of different kinds cheese for dinner. Those are very lovely dinners. 

So we will have an nice altogether dinner tonight. With Miss Tarryn too. 

We will watch the nice detective from way far away England. 

He lives right where Emmet told everybody his very interesting story. 

At the very very old university. Ha.

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