Wednesday 26 August 2020

Day Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Five

I had the busiest day in the whole world today. Goodness me.

Zita and I went for a long lovely walk this morning.

And she told me today is the just for all the dogs everywhere day. Ha. That is a good day.

Then I helped move both of our cars. 

So our falling down trees would not fall down right on our cars. 

Because today the men and a lady came to take away our beautiful trees. 

Before they fell over and squished everything. Oh dear.

They brought a giant truck and a very very noisy chop trees all up into to nothing machine. Oh dear.

And some of the men climbed right up to the top of the very tall trees. 

With very noisy saw machines. 

And they did not even fall down and die. That is good.

Then Craig was all awake so Zita could drive Niamh to her work. 

So Emmet and I watched them right from my own watching window. 

He was a big help.

They put all the pieces of the trees into the chop everything up machine. 

Even the very very big pieces. It is a very noisy machine. 

It is even louder than my fierce barking. Oh dear. 

At lunchtime we made some too much coffees for the nice people. 

They have some very nice dogs too. They showed Zita pictures. 

Right on their own telephones. 

Then the very nice lady had a very very long stick for just cutting big branches off. 

So they would not fall on our house. That is good. 

And she is going to make a little table and fat chairs. 

From the bits of cut down trees. Ha.

Then they went away. Except for the the clean everything up men. 

They had a giant blow everything away to somewhere else machine. 

So they could make our patio nearly neat and tidy. 

Then their very big truck took them away so they could take away some other falling down trees. Oh dear.

Then it was not noisy anymore so I had a nice nap. 

And Zita went to the grocery store. So we can have a tasty delicious dinner tonight. 

Zita and I had a lovely quiet before dinner walk. 

We are going to have an altogether dinner tonight. Ha.

Maybe we will have the made from our own ice cream cake. Maybe.

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