Sunday 4 December 2016

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Three

It is sleep in Sunday. But we had to get up early.

Because Craig's mother had to go to the nasty food hospital. Not the other hospital. 

Her leg is all too sore again. And she is all too hot. Oh dear. 

Zita had to go to the hospital too. 

To talk to all the nice doctors. Because Craig's mother can not hear anybody. Oh dear.

Zita did not get home until dinnertime. Oh dear.

So this morning Craig and I had crunchy toasts. By ourselves. And only pretend coffee. 

We played catch the ball. Lots of times. That is good.

Then Niamh was all awake too. We looked out the watching window for a long time. 

It was not very busy on my corner today. Because it is sleep in Sunday. 

 Miss Georgi came to my house this morning. 

Then Niamh and Georgi went to Mister Kettleman's tasty bagel store. 

To get all our for lunchtime bagels. And a lot of the tasty just for bagels cheese.

I got Craig's bagel bits. I always get his bagel bits. Good for me.

Emmet is writing all about way way old Gods today. 

The ones nobody remembers anymore. Just Emmet and his far away friends. That is too bad. 

Nobody says their nice goodnight prayers to them anymore. Oh dear. 

Perhaps they were not very good listeners. 

Maybe they need brand new happy stories. So everybody would remember all about them. 

Not just my friend Emmet. Oh well. Too bad for them. 

Even Mister Saint Newton does not even remember them. One time I asked. Ha. Good for me. 

We watched the hockey game last night. Craig's team won again. Ha. 

Zita was very busy making Emmet's giant all about old Russians story and as beautiful as can be. 

So we did not watch any new detectives. Oh well. 

I had a nice nap. In the living room.

So I could guard Zita. When she was all busy with Emmet's giant story. 

There is a awful little all red squirrel that runs all over my own hedge. Every day. 

I can see it from my comfy in the kitchen bed. That is not right. 

I run outside and it just runs away. And then it comes back. 

It is not so scared of me. That is not right. 

I am a very fierce dog. Oh dear. That is not right. 

Miss Lily and Lee and Cara were at my house last night. They are loud laughing friends. Ha.

Then we went all fast asleep. Until the nasty food hospital called us on the telephone. 

And we had to be all wide awake. Even on sleep in Sunday. Oh well. 

We had tasty chicken for our dinner. Zita always gives me some little extra bits. 

When we have tasty chicken for dinner. Ha. Good for me. 

Maybe we will watch the detectives tonight. Maybe. 

Maybe we will have popcorn. Maybe. 

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