Monday 28 March 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Three

We had a nice sleep in today.

And we had toasts. And Craig and Zita had coffees. That is right.

Then Craig took my friend Emmet to his nice university. That is good. 

I helped Zita talk to the rascal ladies. All morning. Good for me. 

We had a way nice cheese party last night. We had lots of tasty cheeses. Some from nice Mister Nicastro's smelly cheese store. 

Miss Andrea was here for her dinner. She is going to go to doctors school too. Not right away. Later. 

She had two pieces of our own made chocolate cake. Ha. 

But she is not going to way far away Ireland. Like Emmet's friend Miss Rachel.

This morning when Craig and Emmet were all home from the university Zita drove the silver little car. 

Because we have to take Zita's car to Mister Mike's fix your car all up store. 

We talked to Mister Bob. He knows all about the gold big car. 

Zita took my friend Niamh to her friend's house. To see her dance a lot friends. Again.

It was very rainy outside this morning. There was even way loud thunder. When it was all dark. 

It made Zita and I all awake. But not Craig. Ha. Too bad for him. 

Zita is going to Miss Zoe's mother's sing happy birthday party. Tonight. And have a tasty dinner and a very hot bath. Outside. Oh dear. 

With all her lady friends.

Sometimes I have a nice bath outside. But only in the too hot summertime. Not in the windy rain. Oh dear. That is not right. 

Craig and Emmet and Niamh will make their own tasty dinner. Maybe. 

They will just have pasta and all the used tasty cheese. That is good. I will get the extra cheese bits. Ha. Good for me.

Zita and I went for a long walk. Before the sing happy birthday party. 

I was very soggy when I got home. Because it is a way rainy windy day outside. 

I had to have a little bath. In the bathtub. Then I had to go in the kitchen until I was just as dry as can be. Oh well. 

Craig stayed in the kitchen too. Reading his book. I dried myself on my comfy bed. And had a nice nap. That is nice.,

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