Wednesday 23 March 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Eight

We did not have to get up way early today. That is good.

Because Miss Julia drove Niamh to the dance a lot school this morning. Maybe Niamh is not sick today. Maybe. 

Niamh slept all afternoon yesterday. She even was all fast asleep at our dinner time. I did not wake her all up. Good for me. 

Zita and I went for a nice walk this morning. There was snow on my street. Not so much snow. 

It is time for the snow to go away. It is not time for more snow. Oh dear.

I do not like putting my foot into the full of medicine bowl. Oh dear. It takes too long. I have to be as still as a rock. I do not like that. 

Craig gives me cheese treats. I do not eat them. I do not like putting my foot in the medicine. Too bad for me.

We had very crunchy toasts today. Because Craig cooked them too much. Oh well. 

I like the crunchy toasts best.

We had toasty bacon sandwiches for our lunch. Ha.

Last night I got some tasty chicken. Because I was such a good waiting dog. With my awful foot medicine. 

Zita had to go to the way too small office today. After she drove Emmet to his nice university. He has meetings today too. 

The man on the radio said today is the day for all the puppies in the world. Their very own day. That is good.

I am not a puppy anymore. I am a very big black dog. 

With a big black nose. And flappy ears. And a very short waggley tail. And I am beautiful. Craig told me so. It is true. Ha. Good for me. 

Craig and Zita and Niamh and I watched the grumpy doctor on the television last night. Niamh was all fast asleep. Me too. 

Niamh has to give them even more giant sharp needles all full right up of blood. Because they did not get enough. That is not right. 

Craig is still looking for the nasty person who pushed the lady in the way big canal. A long long time ago. Oh well. 

And he is working in a very old bookstore too. That is open all the time. And you have to use ladders to get the books. And the books are not even a little bit new. Oh well. 

That is a silly store. Not like nice Mister Nicastro's smelly cheese store. Ha.  

We got brand new just for the tasty pasta cheese. Miss Rowan came to my house for dinner tonight. To try it. Ha. 

Craig said she had to give us two dollars. That is silly. 

He is very silly. Because he is old. Ha. 

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