Tuesday 22 March 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Seven

It was a way way early day this morning.

Craig and Zita and I were all wide way even before the sunshine. Ha. 

Zita had to go to a rascal ladies breakfast. At the famous looks like a castle hotel. She had to get all dressed in her good clothes.

We did not have coffees until way late. Oh well.

Craig took Niamh to her very early special dance practice. At her dance a lot school. 

Then he took Emmet to his spend all day at his nice university day. 

I had to guard the house all by myself. I got peanut butter treats. From my friend Emmet.

I have to put my foot in my own special full of medicine bowl two times. Every day. 

Because I have a sore foot. I do not like to do that so much. Craig has to help Zita help me. Oh dear. 

Maybe it does not hurt so much. Maybe. 

Today some very nasty people blew up bombs at an airport. And killed other people. In way far way. 

Right where all the nice Bouvier dogs came from. A long time ago. That is not right. 

I will talk to Mister Saint Newton tonight. When everybody is all fast asleep. Maybe he knows why. Maybe. 

I have not seen my friend Jamie so often. We go for our nice walks at not the same time. 

Because Professor Jill has to go to Emmet's nice university. To teach everybody. 

Jamie does not go to the nice university. She guards her own house. 

She has to do it all by herself. Because her friend Zorro had to go to heaven to be company for our Uncle Bill. 

And go for rides in his flying motorcycle. Ha. That is good. 

Maybe they will find Niamh's friend Shadow. Maybe he would like fast rides too. 

Uncle Bill would give him rides. Because Shadow was Niamh's throw the ball friend at the cottage. It is known. 

Nearly all the snow has left my corner. But not my patio or my front law my. I do not know why. Oh well.

Zita had to go to a rascal ladies lunch today. To talk to rascal ladies from far away. 

Niamh came home early from her dance a lot school. Because she is still sick. 

But she had to go to her special own dance practice. Or it will not be a way beautiful dance. Oh dear. 

I will lie on her bed. With her. So she will not be too cold. I am a very good warmer. It is known.

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