Friday 13 November 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventeen

It is a soggy day. Again. I had a nice not busy day. 

I just guarded Craig. He is easy to guard. He just had to read a lot of important pieces of paper. 

For the nice queen. At the dinning room table. With his too many coffees. 

Zita and I went for a long walk. We had our keep you all warm and dry coats on. Ha. Good for us. 

Now only my feet get soggy. And sometimes my tummy. If I jump in way big puddles. Oh well.

I have two fluffy towels. You need towels if you are all soggy. It is known. 

Zita took lots of our papers to all the nice stores on the busy street. Even in the soggy rain. 

Then she took Emmet to his nice university. It is Emmet's stay all day and eat donuts at the university day.  And drink his tea. To keep him cosy warm. 

Niamh is going to a sing happy birthday day party. Tonight. With all her dance a lot friends. 

They are going to a special giant room. And shoot everybody with pretend guns. In the all dark. That is silly. 

People cannot see in the night. I would win. I can see everything in the night. Ha. Too bad for them.

It was way silly on my street last night. Every car in the world was on my other street. I do not know way. 

The people were way angry. Because nobody would stop at the big stop right here signs. 

Zita and I watched them. Out my own watching window. They made lots of too loud noises. 

People are silly. 

Niamh is going to the driving place. Today. For a remember everything all about driving exam. So she can learn how to drive. 

Only a car. Not an aeroplane. Or an elephant. It is known. 

We will watch the old detectives on the television tonight. After our tasty dinner. Ha. Good for us.

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