Friday 14 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty

Emmet and Niamh have a birthday party tonight and I am invited. That is good.  Emmet says they asked silly questions on his Punics test. Where was a dead Emperor born?

I think if he is dead it does not matter. Oh well.

Zita is still writing her Why Do People Do What People Do test. She has to look at pictures of people and say what they are thinking. They are asking where the dead Emperors were born I bet.

Craig says he got presents for me for Emmet and Niamh. I hope they are nice.

I bet they are going to have cheese to night. They put the white duvet on the table. That is how you know there will be cheese. It is known.

They are cooking I have to go to see if anything drops.

I got Niamh a movie about a princess with red hair. Niamh has red hair too. She could be a princess if she wanted to be.

I got Emmet a movie about the old war when they broke the american house. Zorro and Jamie will like that. 

Zoe brought Niamh a dog pencil sharpener. That was nice.


  1. Dear Miss Poppy- I just finished reading your article in the glebe report and found your blog spot. My mom is helping me send you this note. You are very accomplished. I too pull on my walks and have to wear a nose collar. I don't like it either - I try and rub it off - I have yet to accomplishing doing so - yet! I like to walk by your house especially when you are outside as I like to play with you-you are a good friend. When we see each other next, which I hope is soon, I would like to share notes no squirrel chasing - I have worked very hard to rid my yard of squirrels. I wish you a good day and hope to see you soon. Best...Miss Abigail.
    P.S. I too like cheese :)

  2. Hello Miss Abigail thank you for the nice note. It will be Christmas soon and maybe I will see you on the street when Zita is all finished with all the university tests.
