Tuesday 11 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Seven

I caught Emmet last night. Ha. I won. Ha.

Zita had her big test this morning. Craig drove her and when he came home we played throw my Red Ball until we were too cold. Then we had toasts.

My cheese party friends sent Emmet and Niamh birthday presents. That was nice. It was a big box. It was full.

Niamh has a sick tummy and could not go to school. I helped her eat her Cheerios. I am a big help when one of us is sick.

Some girl knocked Niamh over and stepped on her shoulder in their run all around class. That would not have happened if I was there. I would have knocked the other girl down. That is why they need to take me along when they go out. Especially at night.

Zita says she might take Niamh to Mrs. Louise who fixes you when you get hurt. She is one of the Go-Away-And-Eat-At-Clean-Restaurants Ladies.

I get in trouble for pulling on my walks. Zita says I forgot how to listen.

Maybe I am getting old like Craig and Uncle Bill. That would be sad. They are very old. They told me so. They are so old they used steam engines. That makes Emmet laugh.

I did not tell them I did not know what an engine was. It is not important for dogs to know everything. We know what we need to know and then a bit more. It is known.

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