Thursday 13 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Nine

Guarding the house. All day. Everyone is busy. Emmet has his Punics and Lets Kill the Emperor test tomorrow. He has his All The Dead Kings test on Saturday. He is very busy.

Zita is at the university all day writing her test on why people think.

Craig drove Niamh to school this afternoon. She says she is feeling better. Craig does not believe her. I do not believe her either.

The present man brought a box so big Craig could not carry it. We hid it. Do not tell anyone.

It is Niamh's and Emmet's birthdays tomorrow. That is good. People say it is strange that they have the same birthday. It is not strange. My brothers and sisters have the same birthday as me. People are silly.

Craig is not silly he is stubborn. I had to wait and wait this morning until he made his coffee and then drank it. He had two cups. He drinks too much coffee. He needs to be outside throwing my Red Ball.

Lorraine threw my Red Ball. Lorraine does not drink coffee.

Jessie is coming over to help train Niamh's dragon to talk all about the planets. That is good. Some dogs talk to the moon. Not me. The moon never answers. It is known.

I am worried. I did not get Emmet or Niamh a birthday present. Craig said it was OK. He will get them something from me. Just like he does for his mother. That is good. I am still worried.

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