Monday 17 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty Three

More snowy rain. Too slippery. I can not catch my Red Ball because I slip and fall. That is sad.

The cars are all covered in ice. Zita and Craig and Emmet had to use the blue shovel that makes the scary noises to take away the ice.

Niamh stayed home. Too slippery for buses. Not too slippery for Uncle Bill. He came over to get Emmet awake and drink coffee. He and Emmet talked about the giant eagle movie.

Uncle Bill wants to go too. He will like giant eagles more than turkeys I guess.

Zita was at school studying all day at her university. Niamh was studying all day on her experiments.

All Craig did was make coffee and ask Niamh questions about her experiments. And made more coffee.

Zita forgot her coffee his morning. Oh well. She will not be happy.

We rolled my Red Ball on the ground so I would not slide into the fence. That is good.

I once hit the fence so hard catching my Red Ball that a piece of my nose came off.

Craig says I have a big nose. Ha. His is way to small to smell anything at all. It is known.

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