Tuesday 1 September 2020

Day Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty One

We had a very early in the morning day today.

Because Niamh had to be at work very early. 

So the black car and Zita took her downtown to the beautiful clothes store.

Then Zita and I had our good morning walk before she ran all around all over.

Craig did not have even a little sleep in today. I do not know why.

He made Zita the special fluffy coffee and he had tasty round toasts. 

But I could not help him with his round toasts today. I was way too busy. 

Because Zita needed my help with her good morning to everybody meeting. It is our job.

Sometimes jobs do not let you have lovely sleep ins or have a nice time looking out your watching window. 

That is not all right. Everybody should just look out a watching window every day.

So they can see that there are lots of other people all around in their neighborhood. Not just them.

Emmet is very busy. He has to find an aeroplane that knows how to get all the way to Cork. 

And not go to any giant aeroports. Or get lost. 

There are not so many aeroplanes just now.

Because everybody was getting way too sick to go anywhere. 

So lots and lots of aeroplanes are on their vacation. Oh dear. 

And he has to go to his new very little apartment early. And just stay there. And not go out. 

Because of the do not get anybody so sick rules. Oh dear. 

So he talked to the very nice man who got him out of Ireland as quick as could be. 

When all the brand new do not get sick and die rules started

It was the man who knew where all the aeroplanes were hiding.

So he will find Emmet the very best do not get all lost aeroplane. 

That will take him back to his far away in Cork university. Ha. That is good.

Craig and Zita went on a lunchtime adventure walk today. 

And they saw my friends the ducks. In the other pond. Ha.

I stayed here right in our office. 

So I could guard all our important papers and Emmet too.

I got fluffy milk right on top of my lunch today. 

Because I am the very best guarder dog ever. Craig told me. So it is true. 

When we were all finished our work Zita and I went on a together walk. A before dinner walk. 

We went to visit my friends the ducks in the other pond. 

We had a long walk because my leg was not sore today. Ha.

We went before there was lots of rain. That was a good.

I think we will have a nice altogether dinner tonight. That would be nice. 

They are my favourite dinnertimes.

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